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Yun Wang
Date:2017-12-13   View:

Name:Yun Wang

Professor; Ph. D supervisor

Address:Room B418-IV School of Mechanical Engineering

Phone:(86)013815483092, (86)511-88797565


E-mail:wangyun@ujs.edu.cn, 13560503@qq.com


2000-2003 Ph. D, School of Mechanical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qin Huangdao, Hebei Province P.R. China

2000-2003 M.S.,Material Engineering, School of Material Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui Province P.R. China

1997-2001 B.S., Material Engineering, School of Material Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui Province P.R. China

Professional Experience

2013- PH.D Supervisor, Jiangsu University, China

2013- Professor, Jiangsu University, China

2008-2008 Northwestern University,Ilinois, USA

2006-2009 PostDoc, Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, China

2006-2013 Associate professor, Jiangsu University, China

2004-2006 Lecturer, Jiangsu University, China

Social academic post

Supervision, Chinese Scientific Noun Society

Editor Committee, Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering

Research interests

1. Mould & Die CAD/CAE/CAM

2. Material processing from micro to macro scale

3. Tribology

4.Equipment design and optimization.

Dr. Yun’s major research interests include the Mould & Die CAD/CAE/CAM,modeling design and controlof deformation processes from micro to macro scale, tribology,simulation-based designand designoptimization.

His work has made some contributions to the understanding of scale effect in microforming and the effects of material microstructure and process parameters optimization on forming processes. This involves the study of the constitutive equation and the prediction of forming quality of formed micro-component as a function of process variables. His research has integrated experiment, analytical and numerical simulation methods to investigate fundamentals in material deformation and material formability at various scales, to advance the adaptive method and apparatus for microforming metal parts. Emphasis is placed on new miniaturized forming equipment, processes and tooling. Specific current research includes the development of laser micro-forming processes and of miniaturized micro/meso-scale tools and die/mould for the manufacture of components in the 10 – 1000 μm range.

His achivement have been recognized by honors and awards given by the government and peers in the field of mechanical engineering. His work has been funded both by government agencies and industries.

Teaching Courses

Digital Design & Manufacturing


Honors and Awards

1.Award of Young Back-bone Teacher Training Engineering of Jiangsu Province, 2014

2.the first prize State Science and technology Awards, 2011

3.the first prize Science and technology Awards of Jiangsu Province, 2010

4.the second prize Science and technology Awards of Education Ministry, 2011

5.the second prize Science and technology Awards of Chinese Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (CSNAME), 2010

6. Award of Young Teacher Training Engineering of Jiangsu Province, 2011

7. the second prize Science and technology Awards of Zhenjiang City, 2016

8. the second prize Science and technology Awards of Chinese Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (CSNAME), 2010

9. the second prize Science and technology Awards of Chinese Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (CSNAME), 2016

9. the second prize Science and technology Awards of Chinese Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (CSNAME), 2017

10. the second prize Science and technology Awards of Chinese Society of Automobile Engineering, 2017

Main Research Projects

1. Investigation of the control and mechanism of thick plate welding deformation and anti-cracking ability Laser shock(No. 51179076), NSFC, 2012-2015

2. Forming Mechanism and Process of Warm Micro-extrusion for Micro-component with Laser-assisted Heating Method(No.50605029), NSFC, 2007

3. Propagation Theory of the Weld-guided Waves and the Inversion and Charaterization Mechanism of the Welding Defects in Medium and Thick Ship Plates (No. 51679112), NSFC, 2017-2020

4. Key technology research and industrialization of high speed and high precision chip mounting machine (No. BA2015172), Special transformation of scientific and technological achievements of Jiangsu Province, 2015-2018

5. Anti-environment High-density Anti-inteference Electric Connector using Light Coposite Materials and the Key Technologies(No.BE2012149), Technology Support Project of Jiangsu Province, 2012-2014

6. Key Technologies and Industrialization of Anti-environment Anti-inteference Electric Connector parts in Aviation and Spac, Program supported by the special fund of Taizhou City for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, 2012-2015

7. Research on the Basis of Hot Micro-bending and Manufacturing of Micro Components (20090451174), National Postdoctoral Science Foundation , 2009-2011

8. Laser-assisted Extrusion Mechanics and Methods for Hard-to-deform Micro-Parts (No.BK2009743), NSF of Jiangsu Province, 2009-2012

9. Micro volume forming with Ultra-high strain(No.50975126), NSFC, 2011-2013

10. Plastic Micro-forming with laser-assisted heating method, NSF of Jiangsu Province (No.BK2006551), 2008-2010

Main Scientific Publications

1. Yun Wang, Peilong Dong, Zhenying Xu, Hua Yan, Guanghua Lu, Guoding Yuan. Investigation into the constitutive behavior for thin sheet-based micro forming.Materials Science and Technology. 2009, 25(7): pp 880-885

2. Yun Wang, Liu Quankun. Stress Calculation of Flat Container by Conformal Mapping Method.Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2005, Vol. 41 (10), pp. 80-83

3. Zhenying Xu;Yun Wang; Sheng Ding; Peilong Dong. Numerical investigation on micro-bending and springback with improved surface layer model. Int. J. of Materials and Product Technology. 2012, 45(1/2/3/4): pp. 53-63

4. Ding Hua,Yun Wang, Cai Lan. Laser shock forming of aluminum sheet: Finite element analysis and experimental study. Applied Surface Science. 2010, 256, pp.1703–1707

5. Yun Wang, P. L. Dong, Zhenying Xu. A Constitutive Model for Thin Sheet Metal in Micro-forming Considering First Order Size Effects. Materials and Design.2010,31,pp 1010-1014

6. Zhigang Jiang, Le Zhang, Qing Yao, Shuai Wei,Yun Wang,Agitator dependent homogeneity enhancement of co-precipitation reaction for improving the dispersibility of precursors and Y2O3powders, Ceramics International. 2017, online


1. Wang Yun,Xu Zhenying and Dong Peilong. ‘New method and apparatus for micro volume forming microparts with laser shock’, China Patent Appl. No. ZL200810023264.3, Sep. 14, 2011

2. Lu Guanghua, Wang Yun, Xu Zhenying. ‘New micro-forming method and apparatus with battery heating’, China Patent Appl. No. ZL200810156066.4, May 4, 2011

3. Wang Yun,Dong Peilong and Xu Zhenying. ‘New method and apparatus for micro-bending microparts using prestressing device’, China Patent Appl. No. ZL200810098909.X, Aug. 4, 2010

4. Wang Yun,Xu Zhenying and Sun Riwen. ‘Adaptive method and apparatus for warm micro-extruding microparts with laser-assisted heating’, China Patent Appl. No. ZL200710024689.1, Mar. 30, 2010

5. Xu Zhenying,Wang Yun,Li Wenbin, etl. ‘A posture adjusting device of camera calibration target’, China Patent Appl. No.ZL201310066460.X,May. 11, 2016

6. Xu Zhenying,Wang Yun,Wu Junfeng, etl. ‘A method to prefabricate welding’ China Patent Appl. No. ZL201410001358.6,Apr. 6, 2016

7. Xu Zhenying,Wang Yun,Dong Peilong, etc. ‘A New method and apparatus for warm micro-bending microparts with laser-assisted heating’, China Patent, Appl. No. ZL200710134550.2, Dec. 12, 2011

Plan for Overseas Master & Ph. D

One Ph. D

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Address:Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China  Zip:212013