研究方向为激光与物质相互作用,包括强场激光物理、激光等离子体物理、激光微纳结构加工等,在Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Physics of Plasmas, Journal of Materials Science & Technology等国际期刊发表SCI收录论文数篇。
[1] Xue Yan, Yitong Wu, Xuesong Geng, Hui Zhang, Baifei Shen, Liangliang Ji. Generation of polarized proton beams with gaseous targets from CO2-laser-driven collisionless shock acceleration. Physics of Plasmas, 2022, 29: 053101.
[2] Xue Yan, Yitong Wu, Xuesong Geng, Hui Zhang, Baifei Shen, Liangliang Ji. Enhanced polarized proton acceleration driven by femtosecond laser pulses irradiating a micro-structured solid–gas target. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2023, 65: 035005.
[3] Xue Yan, Liangliang Ji. Spin-polarized proton acceleration by an intense laser pulse with a foil-gas target. Laser Physics Letters, 2022, 19: 106001.
[4] Xue Yan, Cheng Zhang, Yangshuai Li, Youjian Yi, Ziruo Cui, Bingyuan Han. Laser-induced topology optimized amorphous nanostructure and corrosion electrochemistry of supersonically deposited Ni30Cr25Al15Co15Mo5Ti5Y5 HEA coating based on AIMD. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 106: 257–269.
[5] Xue Yan, Jianyan Xu, Ziruo Cui, Bingyuan Han, Cheng Zhang. Glass phase microstructure and mechanical behaviors of laser-remeltedNi30Cr25Al15Co15Mo5Ti5Y5coating reinforced by α/γ-Al2O3phase. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2022, 438: 128413.
[6] Xue Yan, Jianyan Xu, Xianghe Guan, Bingyuan Han, Cheng Zhang, Ziruo Cui, Wenping Liang. Optimization of microstructure and properties of laser sintered Ni30Cr25Al15Co15Mo5Ti5Y5 high-entropy alloy coatings via controlling plasma. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2023, 33: 168.